Archive | November, 2013

Last Day

20 Nov

Student #1:  Miss!  Today is your last day.  Boo…

Me:  Yes, it is.  I’m sad, too!

Student #1:  I’m going to tie you up in a closet.

Me:  Well, that’s creepy, but sweet.

Student #2:  On special occasions, we’ll feed you cake!  And on special special occasions, like your birthday, we’ll make you tacos.



20 Nov

Student:  Is that popcorn?

Me:  No, it’s pasta.

Student:  Are those cherries?

Me:  No, those are tomatoes.

Student:  Huh.

Me:  Do you need glasses?

Student:  Seeing is overrated.


15 Nov

Student:  My step-mom’s full white, but damn she makes good Mexican food!

Rip Off

14 Nov

Student:  Hey, Miss!  My brother works at Bill Miller’s.  I can hook you up.  But did you know they charge fifty cents for ranch there?  That’s how they make their money!  Damn!

Probably Not a Good Idea

13 Nov

Upon witnessing me deal with an unruly bunch of students…

Student:  Man, kids are bad!  They should let librarians carry firearms.

Apparently Reading Isn’t Sexy

12 Nov

Male student:  Hey, Miss?  You know that girl, [Student’s Name]?

Me:  Yes, I do.

Male student:  Well, I’ve been talking to her…

Me:  Oh, yeah?  Well, she’s very sweet and pretty.

Male student:  Yes, she is very pretty, and I wanted to have a crush on her.  But, Miss!  She’s not all there!

Me:  Really?  What do you mean?

Male student:  She won’t go out with me because I love to read!

Me:  Well, that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard!

Male student:  Right?  Well, that was the end of that.  I’ll always pick books over a girl!

Extra Fees Apply

8 Nov

Student:  I need a new ID.

Me:  Do you have $5?

Student:  No…can I put it on layaway?

Not So Special

7 Nov

There is a student I find particularly annoying, because he constantly informs me that the library collection is lacking…and that it’s my fault.  Today he comes in and starts telling me what else I’m missing, so I cut him off.

Me:  Okay, [Student’s Name]…save it!  My last day is in a couple of weeks, so you can complain to the new librarian.

Student:  You’re leaving?!

Me:  Yep!

Student:  But I thought we had something special…


6 Nov

Hey Miss, so I have this bug bite on my leg and it really itches but it’s close to my butt so when I scratch it it looks like I’m scratching my butt.


5 Nov

The library is busiest from 7:45-8:35.  All forty computers are occupied, all tables are full, and other students are milling around the shelves and/or reading on bean bags chairs.  There are usually at least 100 students in here each morning.  This morning was no different, as a student walked through the mass of students up to the circulation desk.

Student:  Hi, are you open?

Me:  Right now?

Student:  Yes.  Are you open?

Me: [Looks around at the vast number of students milling about]  Seriously?

Student:  Yeah.

Me:  Um, yes…

Student:  Awesome, thanks! I need to check out a book.